Friday, November 30, 2012



I weighed in this morning after my week of juicing and DDPYOGA and was pleasantly surprised . I had lost an overall total of 3.6 pounds of weight ! Not too shabby , I'm happy with the results for the week . It is not a huge number like you might see on the television show The Biggest Loser , but at 3.6 pounds a week on average I could be down to my goal weight of 190 pounds in less than a years time ! Now it's all up to me ...



The truth of the matter is that genetics plays only an extremely small role in our body weight . The more predominate factors have to do with lifestyle choices that we choose daily ...

What do you want fit or flabby , fat vs muscle ? It really comes down to you and the choices you make ! You have the power to control what you do and don't put into your body , nutritious , health promoting foods as fuel , or absolute crap that might 
" taste good " as you are eating yourself to death , slowly killing yourself with artificial this , chemicals that and empty, unhealthy fake Frankenfoods .

At the base of your eating habits should be fresh fruits and vegetables . In fact this should be the dominate portion of your meals . Juicing is a high intensity means to getting mass quantities of fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables everyday ! What do you have to lose but the fat , illness and being miserable ? Eat right , get off your ass and start moving !


Thursday, November 29, 2012



After doing some experimenting with my juicing , I came up with a version of my own of the " Mean Green Juice " and so I have taken the liberty of naming the juice . I call it 

" Malibu Green Riptide Juice " !

It is an awesome , surprisingly refreshing and tasty nutrition packed juice full of fresh fruit and veggies .

The recipe is :

1 - Whole head of kale .

1 - Head of broccoli .

4 - Green Granny Smith apples .

4 - Gala apples .

1 - One inch slice of fresh ginger root .

1 - Whole unpeeled lemon .

2 - Cucumbers .

2 - Zucchini .

8 - Large carrots .

8 - Celery stalks .

If you are a juicer give it a try , I can guarantee you are going to love it ! The above recipe make a little more than 1/2 gallon .


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For the last couple of days I have been hitting the DDPYOGA hard and heavy . But today I decided to take a day off . I have been fatigued and sore , I listen to my body and it was telling me time for a day off and then back at it tomorrow .

Throw in some juicing detox symptoms to the mix and you have a funky less than stellar day . Without going into great detail , let's just say my digestive tract went through a very thorough cleaning out ... The detox phase of a juice feast is never pleasant 
but once it has passed it is well worth it ! This is when your energy will soar , any joint or body aches either diminish and some abate all together . I look forward to getting back to that point in the juice feast . In the mean time here is a juice recipe YouTube video for a post workout juice .

Juice on and hit your mat with all you've got !

Sunday, November 25, 2012




As a winter cold front has settled in about us here behind the " Zion Curtain " of Northern Utah , I am grateful I have a workout routine I can do in the warmth and comfort of my own home . I just have to say , and sure I will again in the future , DDPYoga is awesome ! And as Diamond Dallas Page says , " This ain't your mama's yoga ! "

I was a little sore today , but felt so alive . As per my routine I consumed my 1/2 gallon of Mean Green Juice . When I got home I was going to do the Diamond Dozen workout but just take it easy , laying off on the dynamic tension and isometrics , but as I got started on the workout I just went all out ! I was kicking doors , dodging bullets , kicking ass and taking 
names ,  Well at least for me ...

Though I am leaving a lot on the mat , I'm finding as I dial in and pay close attention to proper technique of the postures , breathing , dynamic tension and isometrics that the workout is much more efficient . And as I do so I get more out of the routine . It may sound like a paradox but , the harder I work  the easier it gets . I am feeling the pump and loving the juice !


Saturday, November 24, 2012


It was a great  day today . I began with a protein drink followed my the Mean Green Juice and plenty of water . I am working on a protein drink post-workout right now WHEW !

Tonight after work I did the DDPYoga Diamond Dozen workout . It kicked my ass , took my name , left me dripping with sweat and feeling like a wet , limp dishrag .

To look at the poses in the program guide or poster that shows the various poses you wouldn't think much of it , but looks can be deceiving ! When you add dynamic resistance into the mix it is a whole different game to say the least ...

Though the workout was definitely tough and challenging , I pulled it off ! I was grateful and amazed that I could do it at all ... I have to look back at where I was last year . Weighing in at over 400 Lbs. ( I quit weighing in when the doctors scale couldn't weigh me anymore . I wasn't going to humiliate myself by going to a freight scale ) I was popping the buttons on my 70 " waist pants , I often had to unbutton them and let my belt do the work of holding them up . I was popping pain killers like Pez , wearing knee braces , going to the doctor for steroid injections and occasionally having to use a cane .

Then my transformation began when I began juicing . As the weight melted away , the pain began to subside and even disappear in some cases . I was able to be more active , moving much more , felt much better physically and psychologically . Then as time went on my energy level shot through the roof , it was absolutely awesome , a natural high !

Last night I weighed in and took my measurements , it was 
U-G-L-Y ! But as I have said previously , I have to remember how far I have come so far ...


Weight - 349 1/2 Lbs

Chest - 55 1/2 "

Waist - 61 1/2 "

Hips - 63 "

Thighs - 31 1/2 "

Biceps - 18 "

Neck - 19 1/2 "

I am going to weigh in on a weekly basis but only do the measurements every 30 days . I also took some " before photos " but am going to wait to post these until next month to chronicle the changes my body has made in that period and every month there after .

Now It's Time To Go Make Some Juice !

Friday, November 23, 2012


Anytime you truly want something , if you put in the time and work it most undoubtedly is achievable . But there are the two key words, TIME and WORK .

As a society most people have bought into the quick fix , easy way out and all the results without the work and time investment necessary to reach their dreams and goals . If you aren't willing to spend some of your time and earn some 
" sweat equity " why even bother trying ?

Many will try the easy , soft and quick way and then when it doesn't work will play the blame game .  There are all the standard excuses you constantly hear , " That system sucked ", " I was working my ass off and not seeing any results " , blah , blah , blah . Well quit sniveling , get off your ass and put in the time and effort needed to truly achieve your desires !

Many have overcome great disabilities , hardships and tragedies and gone on to totally transform their lives and accomplish great things . I look to some of these people for my motivation and inspiration  on my journey . 

These include but are not limited to Dallas Page , former Pro Wrestler and founder of DDP Yoga . Bill Poett , One of my former martial arts instructors , motivational speaker and role model . Joe Cross , Documentary film maker of " Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead ". And many over-comers who have chronicled and shared their life transformations . Two of these that were particularly inspirational to me are Arthur Boorman who utilized DDP Yoga to drop more than 140 Lbs , going from being unable to walk without crutches , knee and back braces , to now being able to walk , run and even is a certified yoga instructor . Another man is Phil Staples . Phil utilized the Rebboot Your Life juicing program introduced by Joe Cross to lose and enormous amount of weight , clear up a chronic health condition , totally change his life and even embark on a new vocation , spreading the benefits of juicing.

If these men can  do it , so can I and so can you ! So let's get our asses off the couch , do some sweating and juicing !

Thursday, November 22, 2012



This dude wants to wish everyone a happy, healthy and awesome Thanksgiving . May you spend this day with family and friends , remembering what you are truly thankful for and how fortunate we really are here in the United States . Life is good !

That being said I think there are people we need to remember and just because they are out of sight , may they not be out of mind . I am speaking of our military service members stationed and fighting overseas . Above all I think of their safety and can only hope the powers that be will wake up and bring our service men and women home and that we as a nation will stop feeling the need to keep feeding the industrial war machine with our money , resources and the shed blood and maimed bodies of our young men and women .

As we sit down to the traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey , mashed potatoes and gravy , stuffing , veggies , yams , rolls , decadent deserts and what have you , today is not a day for 
" all or nothing  thinking ". 

If you choose to adhere strictly to a juice feast , more power to 
you ! As for me I am going to partake in the traditional meal , but I will practice strict portion control and balance . I have the power to choose what I do or do not put into my body ! So choose your holiday food intake wisely . For me trying to adhere to a strictly juice feasting day would be setting myself up for failure and take some of the the enjoyment of the holiday . As the Buddha would say, " Choose the middle way ".

My family and I are watching the DDP Yoga videos as the meal cooks , learning Dave's " Diamond Dozen ". Later we will weigh in and take our measurement , then tomorrow we jump into the ring and it's time to kick some DDP Yoga ass ! Have a radical holiday .


Television commercials can sell you a pile of shit and tell you how wonderful it is , how much you like it , how it will change your life and make everything wonderful and better ...

I don't buy into bullshit televisions infomercials. For me it is about the testimonials and reviews who have actually used a product and the value they found and experienced by using the product or service. A persons home made video on YouTube is much more convincing to me than any slick Hollywood styled advertisement. 

Here is another one of those individual life transformation videos that a real person made and posted on YouTube. Check it out .

It's your life and destiny , you decide what it will be ...


I had shared my blog with some friends in a facebook group I belong to , one of the members dissed on juicing and DDP Yoga . Basically he said  not to buy into fads , to just eat a "healthy and well balanced diet and a sensible workout routine ." How dare I think outside the box !

Well if this approach had worked for me up until this point or with my special needs , I wouldn't have bloated up to over 400 Lbs. or needed knee braces , steroid injections and occasionally the use of a cane .

Sometimes others who are willing to take radical and decisive action are  viewed as obsessed , gullible , a sucker for fads etc. But , I have seen and experienced the amazing life changing effects and benefits from my extended juice feasting . But before I do anything I research and check out ratings and references. Google is your friend and you can find a video about just about anything on youtube these days . 

Watching Fat Sick & Nearly Dead inspired me to begin juicing and truly transformed my life for the better in more ways than one . After watching the youtube video about Arthur and his life transformation by adhering to the DDP Yoga program , I was sold ! But , I also realize that all the DVD's and juicing machines in the world will not change squat unless am dedicated and I I do the work , I am going to have to be dedicated , ready to earn some sweat equity . 

Time to kick ass and take names !

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



And on the fourth day the dude made the juice, and saw it was good . And once the juicing was complete the dude rested . 

I put on the headphones , cranked up the iPod and jammed out to Bob Marley while I was juicing . It's great to be able to jam, dance around like a fool , juicing without a care in the world , 
life is good !

I made another 1/2 gallon of Mean Green Juice and as per my routine put it into a plastic pitcher to take to work. I did experience a small amount of detox effects today, my intestinal system began to flush out the built up toxins . But , it was tolerable . 

The Mean Green has a unique look to it to say the least . It is actually a good conversation starter . When I tell my students and coworkers about the juice , they are automatically curious. I share the immense and delicious health benefits of  pure fresh fruit and vegetable juices. I probably gave out 1/4 of my juice as samples today . Every person who tried it was amazed at how tasty it is. 

The downloading of the DDP Yoga onto my external hard drive is about half done . I am hoping to complete the project by tomorrow evening. Being able to take my workout with me in the compact form as my laptop computer is awesome , plus my daughter Leigh will be able to do the DDP Yoga workout in our extra room downstairs. By being able to do it after work , I can accomplish my workout before I come home and unwind , and as a bonus I can take a steam sauna and cool shower when I am done .

Today is my " Friday " at work  I look forward to my days off , I'll be able to doing a little experimenting with some juices , I like trying  new recipes and usually are able to come up with some outrageously great tasting healthy juices. I am going to dive into my DDP Yoga workout like a downward dog RUFFF !

Have a gnarly day and dance as if nobody is watching ...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Well I have been making the Mean Green Juice the last couple of days now . I am fortunate , so far I haven't been wracked with hunger pangs or gnarly detox misery  . But, we shall see what the next few days shall bring .  So far, so good. I have my fingers crossed  ...

I received a pleasant, inspiring and rewarding surprise today ! I work at a large residential facility for at risk and underprivileged youth , I run a dorm with 78 young men who live in the dorm while finishing their education and learning a vocational skill . One of my former resident/student Joe C. got in touch with me today . Joe always used to come in to my office begging for some Mean Green Juice . Well Joe texted me that he had just bought himself a juicer and wanted the recipe for the juice ! My vocation is to help change these young men's life, but to think I have actually turned one onto juicing, BONUS !

The package I mentioned in the title line is my DDP Yoga Max Package , it arrived in the mail today . So, I will be hitting the yoga mat and kicking butt ! I have someone putting the DVD's on an external hard drive so I can take my laptop to our gym at my place of employment  at the end of my shift, and do the DDP Yoga workout. I am also setting up a workout area in our spare bedroom . My Daughter Leigh is now onboard with both juicing and the DDP Yoga . So, the Dude is spreading the juice and yoga message. Until next time. have an absolutely radical time living life to it's fullest !

Friday, November 16, 2012

Well after a long absence I have returned! After about a year I have still kept most of my weight off that I lost over the last year. Starting at 400 Lbs last year and now hovering around 350 Lbs and this was an extended break in juicing!

That being said though, I really felt stuck in a rut and dissatisfied at where I am in my life. I still want to lose 160 more Lbs. But, I realize I cannot do this by juicing exclusively. I need to add a fitness regiment into this lifestyle. I tried cardio, BORING! I have gone to my gym at work, but get tired of working out alone at 1:00 am after work...

So I purchased the DDP Yoga Max Package. You can find out more about it here:

My 20 year old daughter Leigh said she would also join me in this endeavor. She has even started drinking some juice with me! So I will have a workout partner and juicing compatriot. I made us a great juice last night. I haven't named it yet but it was absolutely delicious! Here is the recipe: The fruit and vegetable counts aren't exact, but pretty close. This was enough to make one gallon of juice.

12 Green Apples.
8 Gala Apples.
1 Whole Unpeeled Lemon
20 Carrots.
1 1" Piece Of Ginger.

There are a couple of links I would like to share with you about the DDP Yoga. They are the story about a disabled veteran named Arthur and how DDP Yoga and lifestyle changes totally changed his life. I have so much in common with Arthur. When I started this journey I weighed 400 Lbs. I had to wear knee braces, use a cane, get steroid injections in my knees and was on heavy pain medications. Now I am 50 Lbs lighter, the cane has gone away, I don't even know where it is! I haven't had any steroid injections since last spring, nor had to wear the knee braces. I also did some mountain bike riding and cruising my longboard with my Big Kahuna Stick this last summer!

I am very excited and optimistic about the future once again. Please take the time to view these two inspiring videos about Arthur's story. It truly inspired me, gave me hope and made me cry with tears of anticipation and joy.

Until next time, Namaste and be well my friends, Roger.